Address: 250 8500 Blackfoot Trail SE
Calgary, Alberta T2J 7E1
Phone: 403.879.7911
Fax: 403.879.7899
Address: 201 3151 27st NE
Calgary, Alberta T1Y 0B4
Phone: 403.235.4109
Fax: 403.235.4147
Address: 250 8500 Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, Alberta T2J 7E1
Phone: 403.879.7911
Fax: 403.879.7899
Address: 201 3151 27st NE Calgary, Alberta T1Y 0B4
Phone: 403.235.4109
Fax: 403.235.4147
Please check all that apply
Abnormal ECGCAD / CHFPost PCIF/U known stable CADAbnormal Treadmill Stress TestMurmurChest painShortness of breathFunctional Significance Coronary StenosisPalpitations / Arrhythmias (suspected/known history of arrhythmias)Edema / PND / OrthopneaHypertension / Left ventricular hypertrophyPulmonary HypertensionCardiovascular risk assessment (suspected/known history of arrhythmias)Syncope / Presyncope / Vertigo / DizzinessStroke / TIACarotid bruitFollow-up of known carotid stenosisPost-surgical angiographic intervention follow-upReproductive MedicineDiabetesHypo / Hyper ThyroidHormone Health
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Please fax completed form - we will call the patient to book.