Myocardial Perfusion Imaging



Please wear comfortable clothing and running shoes the day of the test and do not put any creams, lotions or oils on your chest the day of the exam. We do not permit children in the exam room due to safety. If you do not speak English we require a translator to be present throughout the whole exam. This test takes 4-6 hours from the time you arrive. Ensure you are able to be present for the whole test and other appointments be booked accordingly.

For this test you will need to be caffeine free for 24 hours prior to the exam. This includes coffee, pop, tea, chocolate as well as any decaffeinated beverages. Please don’t eat or drink starting from midnight prior to the exam. Some medications will need to be stopped 48 hours prior to the test. These medications are beta blockers and calcium channel blockers. If you are unsure of taking these medications please either contact your doctor or call your pharmacist to confirm. There was also a list of common medications given to you before you left the clinic.